Monday, July 9, 2018

Today’s companies are luring employees out of their cubicles, enticing them outdoors to green, open spaces. Why the change in corporate real estate? A major selling point for workers, the move is drawing in new talent, inspiring creativity and innovation by placing the focus back on the human psyche, which unsurprisingly, is uninspired by bleak, gray cubicle walls.

Cut the Cubicles & Open Things Up
As the outdoors moves its way into American workspaces, cramped cubicles are being demolished in favor of lush vegetation and open spaces with a direct link to nature. As seen in Amazon’s ‘Sphere’ concept, it’s all about opening things up and breaking the mold: Hold a meeting in a treehouse or ‘bird’s nest.’ Confer or work solo on communal tables. Get out of your ‘hole’ and get out of the rut. 

Expand Your Horizons
Innovative workspaces are nothing new, especially within the tech industry. However, with various studies pointing to the benefits of human connection with nature, a number of business genres are migrating outdoors, exchanging draining office fluorescents for the warmth and energy natural sunlight has to offer, providing a refreshing alternative to the traditionally stuffy corporate work environment.

Transform Your Locale & Office Culture
As few can go to the extremes of Amazon’s ‘rainforest in a bubble,’ it’s good to know even the most modest of outdoor spaces can boost creativity and help workers de-stress. From bottom floor patios to balcony additions and rooftop gardens, green office spaces are rising in popularity nationwide, enticing the bulk of workers out of private offices, and fostering a more collaborative office culture supportive of productivity and innovation.

Growing a Green Setup
How can you achieve an outdoor office space certain to grow a maximum return on investment?
        Capitalize on unused space.
Whether that be an existing green space, neglected patio, private side yard, or overlooked rooftop.
        Zero-in on surroundings.
A ‘blah’ concrete wall fares no better than a generic cubicle. Find (or create) inspiring natural, green settings to realize the true benefits of an outdoor office.
Ensure success with these tips.
        Don’t neglect creature comforts.
Providing necessary lighting, electricity, internet access, and comfortable, ergonomic furnishings. Enhance comfort and extend seasonal use with fans, heating solutions, and motorized screens for added shade and pest protection. 
        Create a year-round refuge.
With the flexible, dependable shelter of an Arcadia adjustable aluminum pergola. Provide a shady, cool respite, deliver the sun’s warmth, or provide reliable, electronics-friendly rain protection, choosing from 170-degrees of louver positioning via remote, iLouver app operation, or optional rain and wind sensors programmed to respond on-demand.

Enhance your business’ productivity, creativity, and recruitment potential with an outdoor office space. See your office in a new light with the help of Denver Pergola Systems. Schedule your complimentary design consultation today.
This post was originally published at

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